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41. India's paradoxes
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
India is a land of many paradoxes.  It is a country of remarkable high technology, world class multinational companies, and a leader in business process offshoring.  But it is also a country with a corrupt ...
42. State capitalism
... in the form of the East India Company.  Today, the advanced world has many remnants of state capitalism -- for example, the French government owns 85% of EDF, an energy company, the Japanese government ...
43. The Economist on China
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... longer term. Reference: The Economist.  Survey of the Chinese economy.  26 May-1 June edition. http://www.economist.com/world/china  ...
44. China's urbanization
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
The largest migration in world history is now taking place -- from Chinese rural to urban areas.  China's urban population has jumped from about 10% of total in 1949 to about 50% today.  By the year 2030, ...
... the world's most dynamic region, is still way behind in providing women with economic opportunity. In most countries women's economic opportunity is still restricted through laws, regulations, practices, ...
46. Prepare for the long haul in 2012
The future of the world economy will be a long, slow grind.  Here are a few thoughts of mine recently published by the AFG Venture Group: http://www.afgventuregroup.com/dispatches/afg-venture-group-newsletter/2012-a-time-to-prepare-for-the-long-haul-john-west-editor-in-chief-mrglobalisation/ ...
47. Korea -- Asia's rising star
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... deterioration in the world economy, it is projected at around 3 1/2 per cent in 2012 thanks in part to continued momentum in China.  Korea is however highly exposed to the volatility of the world economy, ...
48. China's reform challenges
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... reform in the near future. This is a great pity.  Because as the World Bank argues in its "China 2030" report, it is urgent for China to implement a new development strategy.  Even though this will not ...
... highly advanced parts and materials that feed into the making of electronics and cars. For example, Japanese companies combine to a 70% world market share in fine chemicals for electronics, and more than ...
50. Why did Japan stop growing?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... rest of the world, it can depend on exports.  But as the economy grows larger and more competitive, it can provoke trade frictions and protectionism.  Thus, in 1985 Japan was ultimately pressured to raise ...
51. World Politics Review
(Web Links / Media )
53. Kiel Institute for the World Economy
(Web Links / Civil society organisations)
54. World Economic Forum
(Web Links / Civil society organisations)
55. World Trade Organisation
(Web Links / Intergovernmental organisations)
56. World Bank
(Web Links / Intergovernmental organisations)
Working for a world free of poverty ...
57. Environment
Nick Stern said: "Climate change is the greatest market failure the world has ever seen...". He's right, despite the attacks on the work of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ("Climategate").  ...
... economic growth of 7 per cent for 25 years or longer in the post World War II period (at this pace, an economy doubles in size every decade)... Read more  ...
59. Development
Many developing countries are missing the globalisation train. While five million of the world’s population live in prosperity or moving towards prosperity, the bottom billion (mainly in Africa) have been ...
If there is one constant in the history of the world, it is change.  If there is one constant challenge in the history of the world, it is resistance to change. In the face of the forces of change, we ...
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