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21. Asia's low quality jobs
... from 19% to 17% in Latin America and 7% to 4% in the OECD countries.  Although developing Asia is widely touted as the factory of the world, industrial employment only rose from 17% in 1990 to 24% in 2008.  ...
22. Natural disasters in Asia
... wiping out homes, livelihoods, a country's economic gains, and often many individual lives.  In fact, Asia is the world's most disaster-prone region, and Asia's poor, lacking in resources and more vulnerable ...
23. Food security in Asia
... population.  India, in particular, remains one of the most undernourished countries in the world despite its economic gains.  Because of poor nutrition, about 44% of Indian children below the age of 5 ...
24. Asia's rising inequality
... next generation.   Does inequality matter?  After all, the United States, the richest and most powerful country in the world, is also one of the most unequal.  Of the OECD's 34 member countries, the US ...
25. Clinton on democracy in Asia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... a vote in the decisions that affect their lives, and they deserve governments that protect their rights and respect their dignity." "During the past five years, Asia has been the only region in the world ...
26. Japan's governance problems
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... disaster was culture.  "Is there anywhere else in the world where a large-scale nuclear plant  could be built on a virtually unprotected sea shore flanked by a 9000  meter deep tectonic trench with an ...
27. Democracy in Asia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
That democracy has shallow roots in Asia, the most dynamic part of the world economy, is clearly evident from the Economist Intelligence Unit's "Democracy Index 2011".  Indeed, over the past five years, ...
28. Democracy in China?
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... them to join the Party, meaning that they are not likely to oppose the current system from which they benefit. Much of this speculation ignores how the world has changed, and some of the lessons of the ...
29. Asian Century on Youtube
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... "Asia 2050" report they wrote for the Asian Development Bank. Here are some of the key points: Asia has half the world's population, but only 27 per cent of the world's GDP.  It is a very diverse ...
30. Burmese Days
... a parliamentary democracy, and was considered to be the South East Asia country with the brightest future.  Under British rule, it had been the wealthiest country in Southeast Asia, was the world's largest ...
31. 2012 Conference of Montreal
... SUEZ; Daniel Fernandez, Executive Vice- President, HidroAysén (Chile); Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Managing Director, World Bank; Richard Fenning, Chief Executive Officer, Control Risks; Ywe Looper, Director, ...
32. Living on $2 a day
If you are living on more than $2 a day in a developing country, you are not living in poverty according to the World Bank.  Indeed, you are a lot better off than those poor people who live on less than ...
33. Trying to do business in China
Almost everyone would like to do business in China.  After all, China is the world's second biggest merchandise importer and also recipient of foreign direct investment. Recent history is however littered ...
34. America's Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
Pundits and policy wonks the world over are predicting that the 21st century will be the "Asian Century". But there is another alternative or parallel scenario by which migration of highly skilled Asians ...
35. Asia's Failed States
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
As Asia sits on top of the world economy, it may be difficult to imagine that this vast unwieldy region is home to more than a handful of the world's "failed states", as estimated by the Fund for Peace ...
36. Human Rights in Asia
... from Aboriginal homelands. Refugee policy favoured deterrence, with mandatory, indefinite and remote detention for asylum-seekers arriving by boat". But its 2012 Annual Report on the state of the world's ...
37. Burma: some Nobel thoughts
... Norway.  It was a moving and insightful lecture. During her days of house arrest, Aung San Suu Kyi felt as though she were no longer a part of the real world. In her own words, "What the Nobel Peace ...
38. World Economy in Grave Danger
The world economy is in grave danger -- this is the main message from this week's Economist magazine.  And there is nothing I heard during the first day of the 2012 edition of the Conference of Montreal ...
39. Views of Asia's next generation
The world of tomorrow belongs to our youth -- especially in Asia where there is an enormous "youth bulge" entering the work force.  But in Asia's hierarchical, seniority-based and male-dominated societies, ...
40. China: is “state capitalism” in crisis?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... Corporations?, drew international public attention to the concept of 'state capitalism', which was widely studied during the first half of Twentieth century but vanished from the end of the Second World ...
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