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21. Sen on development on youtube
... much focus on one institution, namely the market, since the times of Reagen.  We have seen the demolition of the checks and balances that the state can provide.  One of the underlying causes of the global ...
22. Burmese Days
... able to personally accept her 1991 Nobel Peace Prize. Western countries have responded very quickly with promises to lift sanctions.  US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Burma in December 2011, ...
23. 2012 Conference of Montreal
... Chairman, Federal Reserve (United States); Michel Barnier, Commissioner, Internal Market and Services, European Commission; Christian Noyer, Governor, Bank of France, and Chairman, Bank for International ...
24. Trying to do business in China
... policies regulating foreign investment in China are complex.  Foreign investment is: encouraged in some sectors; allowed in others; restricted in sectors like financial services. real estate, professional ...
25. America's Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... PewResearchCenter publication, "The Rise of Asian Americans".  After all, the growth and dynamism of the United States has always been driven by successive waves of immigration.  And today, Asian Americans ...
26. Asia's Failed States
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
As Asia sits on top of the world economy, it may be difficult to imagine that this vast unwieldy region is home to more than a handful of the world's "failed states", as estimated by the Fund for Peace ...
27. Human Rights in Asia
... from Aboriginal homelands. Refugee policy favoured deterrence, with mandatory, indefinite and remote detention for asylum-seekers arriving by boat". But its 2012 Annual Report on the state of the world's ...
28. Nobel hopes for China
... end to one party rule in China. His current imprisonment, for "inciting subversion of state power", was imposed for statements in recently-published essays and the 2008 document he helped write, Charter ...
29. Burma: some Nobel thoughts
...  These challenges include the backward state of the economy, the low human capital of its people and its weak basic institutional capacities.  But the challenges also include the fact that longstanding ...
30. Views of Asia's next generation
... systems.  Political systems include constitional monarchies, one-party states, federal states, liberal democracies and military dictatorships. Amid these differences, one common element drawing the region ...
31. China: is “state capitalism” in crisis?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
In this week's invited contribution, Emanuele Schibotto* asks if China's "state capitalism" is in crisis. In 2010, Ian Bremmer's book,  The End of the Free Market: Who Wins the War Between States and ...
32. India's urban squalor
... delivery boys peeling off from a slum chicken shop, each carrying a rack of three hundred eggs." "The slum had been settled in 1991 by a band of laborers trucked in from the southern Indian state of ...
33. State capitalism
With Europe now in recession, and the US still muddling through, many observers are now preaching the merits of "state capitalism" as against liberal capitalism.  But as the Economist argues convincingly ...
34. The Economist on China
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... Spending on plant, machinery, buildings and infrastructure accounted for about half of China's GDP in 2011.  But too much of this investment is undertaken by state-owned enterprises (SOEs) which benefit ...
35. China's urbanization
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... entitled to employment in cities, largely with state-owned enterprises or government agencies that provided full housing, healthcare and education services. Under this two-tier management system, agricultural-registered ...
... that women are allowed to hold.  Hong Kong and Singapore score poorly regarding action to address violence against women.  China also scores poorly on the education of women.  In China, the state provision ...
37. China's reform challenges
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... necessary given the need to employ an additional 9 million entrants into the labor force each year, while also absorbing workers affected by the reform of state-owned enterprises and occasional external ...
38. Why did Japan stop growing?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... nearly twice the percentage in the US.   Real problems showed up when Japan developed a monumental real estate and stock market bubble which exploded from 1990.  Policy errors were behind the bubble, ...
39. Poverty in India
... The ADB estimates that states like Orissa, Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand have poverty rates about double the national average, and rates so high that they rival the worst of sub-Saharan Africa. By ...
40. Is China cracking?
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... Australia, Canada and the US by acquiring permanent residence status, and buying real estate, and sending their children to study in these countries.  Capital flight from China is now rising dramatically. ...
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