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1. Asian Migration
...  America's Asian Century. Asian Century Institute. http://www.asiancenturyinstitute.com/international/54-america-s-asian-century Illicit Financial Flows from China and the Role of Trade Misinvoicing. ...
... United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Trade Organisation and the OECD. But this heady period of rapid economic growth came to a crash landing.  In the US, excessive borrowing ...
3. Globalization, the word
... “universal“ -- Oxford English Dictionary. . the process by which the whole world becomes a single market.  This means that goods and services, capital, and labour are traded on a worldwide basis, and ...
4. Globalization, development and culture
... and Taiwan), then South East Asia and China.  International trade and investment were powerful motors for economic development.  South America and especially Africa have substantially missed the globalization ...
5. Japan in the Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... would make Japan a more appealing country with which to do business, therefore increasing its GDP and trade with the rest of the world. Just as the Japanese are not particularly innovative globally, ...
6. Burmese Days
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... public opinion had been reacting very adversely to the Chinese presence. The ASEAN countries had been holding out an olive branch to Burma in terms of ASEAN presidency in 2014 and trade and investment ...
7. Asia's low quality jobs
... and other human rights, or cheating workers, as often occurs.  Governments, trade unions and NGOs have an important role to play in protecting the rights of workers and ensuring that employers follow minimum ...
8. Food security in Asia
... the OECD average, and also have the forms of support that most distort production and trade still represent the vast majority of the support.  If only these two countries could take agricultural reform ...
9. Asia's rising inequality
...  (i) increasing skill premiums and returns to human capital.  The emergence of vast new economic opportunities, unleashed by trade and financial integration, technological progress, and market-oriented ...
10. Burmese Days
... public opinion had been reacting very adversely to the Chinese presence. The ASEAN countries had been holding out an olive branch to Burma in terms of ASEAN presidency in 2014 and trade and investment ...
11. 2012 Conference of Montreal
... in the health sector, the equitable use of resources, welcoming immigrants, the free trade agreements and sustainable development. The 150 international speakers will include: Alan Greenspan, former ...
12. Trying to do business in China
... intellectual property (IP). For IP, China is a first to file country, and you must register your trade mark and patents.  But there are other ways to protect your IP -- such as by having a strong state-owned ...
13. Views of Asia's next generation
... for a more peaceful and a more integrated region.  And if this is to be Asia's Century, Asia must enhance its cooperation on everything from trade routes to regional institutions.  While young Asia's talk ...
14. China: is “state capitalism” in crisis?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... outcome”. Such a system combines great openness towards international trade and markets with a strong political leverage on domestic economy.  Bremmer argues that the Chinese model is not only bearing ...
15. State capitalism
... infant industries with tariffs.  Then there are the cases of Germany in the 1870s, or Japan and Korea in the 1950s.  Even Britain, the crucible of free-trade thinking, created a giant national champion ...
16. Korea -- Asia's rising star
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... trade and investment barriers.  Korea's integration in the world economy is still very low in terms of import penetration, the share of foreign workers and the stock of FDI. Korea's growth also needs ...
17. China's reform challenges
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... investments connecting regions, and the interior to the coast. (v) Steady integration with the global economy.  Thanks to the establishment of special economic zones, and membership of the World Trade ...
18. Why did Japan stop growing?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... rest of the world, it can depend on exports.  But as the economy grows larger and more competitive, it can provoke trade frictions and protectionism.  Thus, in 1985 Japan was ultimately pressured to raise ...
19. Australia: beware of Asian Century Hype
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... trade and investment, free trade agreements, the ASEAN community, and other organisations like APEC, the East Asian Summit and so on.  But the region is bristling with tensions due to lingering historical ...
20. China's lack of global leadership
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... public enemy number 1!   For example, of all the anti-dumping cases brought to the World Trade Organisation this past decade, fully one-quarter of them have been leveled against China.  Management ...
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