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1. China's foreign investment
... there have been tortured debates and confused decision-making regarding the bid by China's National Offshore Oil Company (CNOOC), an SOE, for the Canadian oil producer Nexen, whose main property is in ...
2. Asian Migration
... rate of migrants from other regions, and substantially higher than natives of OECD countries, the group of the world's most advanced countries. China, India and the Philippines have been the leading sources ...
3. Whither Obama, the global president?
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... place of his father) and Indonesia (his childhood residence).  With Romney threatening to declare China a currency manipulator from day one, it is also not surprising that our Chinese friends also prefer ...
... the 1989 Tiannamen Square events, Deng Xiaoping relaunched China's reform with his 1992 "Southern Tour".  The euro is also a child of the post-Cold War period.  It was driven by the desire of European ...
5. Globalization, the word
... that this text is almost 30 years old.  He spoke of technology and globalization well before the Internet arrived and way before anyone imagined the end of the Cold War or the dynamism of China.  He distinguished ...
6. Globalization, development and culture
... and Taiwan), then South East Asia and China.  International trade and investment were powerful motors for economic development.  South America and especially Africa have substantially missed the globalization ...
7. Global citizens
... tsunami and nuclear meltdown – has given rise to massive outpouring of goodwill.  Japan’s arch-enemies of China and Korea have been particularly generous. But history also shows that an equal capacity ...
8. Singapore in the Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... countries, China and India. On a positive note, Singaporean young girls between 15 and 19 years of age do not have a high fertility rate, which is a good thing because teenage pregnancy does often lead ...
9. Japan in the Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... in a high middle income trap, unable to reach development levels of completely developed nations such as the United States. Further, developing nations, such as China, are rapidly growing and changing, ...
10. India's paradoxes
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... tape, lousy infrastructure, and the limits imposed by poverty and discrimination against women. Notwithstanding India's much vaunted democratic credentials, it scores well behind China on most economic ...
11. China's reform in a bind
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
Yes, China's reform is in a real bind, and what's more, China has bad relations with virtually all of its neighbors.  Where will this head? The need for China to rebalance its growth away from exports ...
12. Burmese Days
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... US and most other Western countries imposed sanctions.  Most neighboring Asian countries pursued a policy of engagement, especially China which developed very close economic and political ties.  Burma ...
13. Culture Wise China
China is different, very different.  So if you wish to negotiate an international agreement, do business with China, live there or even simply visit, you need to be "culture wise China".  And to obtain ...
14. Microfinance today
... daily incomes and help them continue to save and stabilize their lives. Finally, Asia is known for its lack of women’s power and rights. From the One Child Policy in China to sex selective abortions in ...
15. Economic growth prospects in Asia
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... high growth rates these past few decades, this is a reflection of how far behind China was, as well as of course its excellent policy reforms.     Poorer countries can absorb knowledge and technology ...
16. Human capital in Asia
... in 2010 are higher than the average in the advanced economies (11).  Hong Kong follows with 10.4, Singapore with 9.2 and and then comes China with a stunning increase from 3.5 to 8.4 from 1970 to 2010.  ...
17. Asia`s social development
... Macao and Korea being at 80 years or above.  Then there is a jump down to the mid-70s for Malaysia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and China.  ASEAN's populous countries of the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand ...
18. Asia's information society
... Macao.  Other Asian countries stretch way back in the overall list of 152 countries --   Malaysia 58th, China 80th, Vietnam 81st, Mongolia 86th, Thailand 89th, Philippines 92nd, Indonesia 101st, Sri Lanka ...
19. Understanding the Rise of China -- Martin Jacques
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
"We can't understand the rise of China using Western concepts" argues Martin Jacques, the author of "When China Rules the World: The Rise of the Middle Kingdom and the End of the Western World". Here ...
20. Asia's low quality jobs
... to 50-70% for countries like the Philippines, Thailand, China, Pakistan and Indonesia, and down to around 10% for Hong Kong and Singapore. Asia's weak performance in generating high quality employment is ...
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