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21. China's reform in a bind
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... right wing groups.  The leadership and other changes underway require brokering and consensus-building betwen these groups, which stifles the capacity to make important changes, such as to SOEs, through ...
22. Democracy in Asia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... political leadership in the developed world, dramatic change and conflict in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and rising social unrest throughout much of the world.  The popular uprisings in Tunisia ...
23. Democracy in China?
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... CY Leung as the territory's new leader.  On this occasion, the annual pro-democracy march through the streets of Hong Kong was bolstered by anger towards Beijing.  Estimates of those who attended the rally ...
24. Burmese Days
... from China which has been virtually colonizing parts of the country through its investment and infrastructure projects, notably the Myitsone hydroelectric project which has recently been suspended.  Burmese ...
25. Living on $2 a day
... finance is accessed through networks based on kin, community and workplace.  Third, they suffer from a lack of transparency and cheating, and they rely too heavily on kindness, goodwill and norms of mutual ...
26. Trying to do business in China
... of Chinese hires as the foreign representatives.  They can be directly hired or hired through dispatch agencies.  Locally employed foreigners must have a work permit.  Contract termination is also complicated.  ...
27. America's Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... continuing through the worst economic crisis that America has seen since the great depression.  It is taking place at a time when the countries of origin of the migrants are experiencing historically unprecedented ...
28. Asia's Failed States
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... decline, group-based inequality, institutionalized persecution or discrimination, severe demographic pressures, brain drain, and environmental decay. States can fail at varying rates through explosion, ...
29. Human Rights in Asia
... through the use of the lèse majesté law and Computer-related Crimes Act. Authorities tightened restrictions on asylum-seekers and refugees from Myanmar, particularly during massive flooding, and exploited ...
30. Nobel hopes for China
... nature of the protest.  Liu Xiaobo spent two years in prison for his role in the protests, and was then subject to a further 3 years of 're-education through labour' in the late 1990s for advocating an ...
31. Burma: some Nobel thoughts
... 20 years ago, her son Alexander Aris said: "I personally believe ... she has come to be a worthy symbol through whom the plight of all the people of Burma may be recognised ... The plight of those in ...
32. Views of Asia's next generation
... the voice of youth is not sufficiently heard. Fortunately, we now have an insight into the views of our youth in "Through the Eyes of Tiger Cubs: Views of Asia's Next Generation", based on an essay content ...
33. India's urban squalor
... economic liberalization." "The municipality sent water through six Annwadi faucets for ninety minutes in the morninga nd ninety minutes at night." "True, only six of the slum's three thousand residents ...
34. State capitalism
With Europe now in recession, and the US still muddling through, many observers are now preaching the merits of "state capitalism" as against liberal capitalism.  But as the Economist argues convincingly ...
35. China's urbanization
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... debts as they mortgage municipal landholdings to finance infrastructure through loans from commercial banks. There have been two main drivers of urbanization.  First, there is rural-urban migration.  ...
... the world's most dynamic region, is still way behind in providing women with economic opportunity. In most countries women's economic opportunity is still restricted through laws, regulations, practices, ...
37. Korea -- Asia's rising star
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... its full potential and be prepared for risks ahead. Most recently, the great strength of the Korean economy is evident in its excellent track record through the global financial and European sovereign ...
38. China's reform challenges
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... agenda.  Four of the ten Asian cities most vulnerable to rising sea levels are in China.  (f) Seek mutually beneficial relations with the rest of the world.  China has benefited greatly through integration ...
... of production networks. But at home the previous industrial architecture—with its emphasis on stability through business groups, main banks, cross-shareholdings, and exclusive subcontractor tie-ups— thwarted ...
40. Why did Japan stop growing?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
Japan's very strong economic growth from the 1950s through to the 1980s was a virtual miracle.  Its stagnation for the past two decades seems a mystery.  How did it all happen? In the period up to ...
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