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21. Human security in Asia
... range of adverse impacts in Asia and the Pacific. From the Himalayan highlands to the rich tropical forests of Southeast Asia and across the Pacific Islands, many natural ecosystems are vulnerable to climate ...
22. Reassessing Asia's economic miracle
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
Economic growth is a not a guarantee of a nation's development.  Too many resource-rich countries have experienced growth without development, as citizens have gained little in terms of well-being, and ...
23. Beating global poverty?
... life is still much further in the distance for many, and rich countries are now experiencing growing poverty themselves. This impressive performance in beating extreme poverty is in large part thanks ...
24. Will China overtake the US?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... into the realm of the "catch-up effect" or "convergence theory".  In short, poorer developing countries have the potential to catchup to richer advanced countries (or "converge") by growing faster thanks ...
25. Gender equality and development
... education these gaps are closing rapidly, and much faster than when today's rich countries were poorer. Since 1980, women are now living longer than men in all parts of the world, and in low income countries ...
26. Japan's triple crisis -- one year on?
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... the traditionally repressed NGOs and youth responded quickly.  As Daniel Aldrich has argued in a recent article, Japanese civil society is now "rising".  In particular, the disaster at the Fukushima ...
Poor countries typically have a tiny rich elite, large impoverished masses, and a very small "middle class".  When development succeeds, society's middle class expands as poor people escape poverty, and ...
28. Asia’s Development and the Leadership Issue
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... in the world, with average per capita growth rates of 6 percent. One example gives the picture of the so-called miracle: South Korea, only as rich as Ghana in 1960, is now a OECD member posting GDP per ...
29. Central Asia Update
... capitalism? Oil rich Kazakhstan has relatively open and liberal economy and its legislation allows a full or shared ownership of its natural resources by foreign companies. The corruption scandals with ...
... political tensions due to the wide income gap between rich and poor, labour unrest, human rights' abuses, rampant corruption, land grabs, and environmental damage.  Thus, with a change of leadership coming ...
31. China's elites and development
... with the Chinese public.  The gap between rich and poor has widened dramatically, meaning that the elite has won more from development than the masses.  And rampant corruption has also helped the elite ...
32. Inequality just keeps on rising
...  According to the normally staid OECD, governments must act quickly to tackle inequality because the gap between rich and poor in OECD countries has reached its highest level for the past half century.  Indeed, ...
33. Global education in Japan
...  (5) Wildavsky, Ben.  University globalization is here to stay.  The Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/University-Globalization-Is/124148/ (6) Levin, Richard C.  Globalization ...
34. Italy Is Not Game Over
... is still a rich country, with its people being the most precious strength. Italians are creative by nature: from the helicopter to the radio to the Google algorythm, Italians contributed (and still do, ...
35. Kazakhstan and China
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... the next years, potentially decades, guaranteeing the expansion of the energy sector in Central Asia's hydrocarbon-rich states. Moreover, Chinese purchases of Central Asian oil and gas provide the region ...
36. China: how powerful is she?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... it grows rich. China's stunning economic performance was launched by the great leader Deng Xiaoping, and pursued by Jiang Zemin and Zhu Rongji.  But the current and prospective leadership in China are ...
37. APEC Conference - How is Australia managing?
(Panorama/International Trade)
... environment. Issues to be tackled and confirmed speakers include: Is China Australia’s saviour or leading threat? Richard Martin (IMA Asia, Singapore) John Larum (Lowy Institute) Should Australia ...
38. Australia: Beware of the Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... state-owned enterprises with close links to the Chinese Communist Party. China's development is also becoming socially unsustainable in light of: the yawning gap between rich and poor;  and social protests ...
39. Dalai Lama and globalization
... the environment, we damage ourselves.  The global financial crisis and European sovereign debt crisis were caused by greed and speculation.  But rich people suffer from stress, anxiety and loneliness.  ...
40. Occupy Wall Street
... level and poverty rate across the OECD membership, Mexico and Turkey excepted.  Since 2000, income inequality has increased rapidly, continuing a long-term trend that goes back to the 1970s. Rich households ...
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