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1. Asian Migration
... driving this strong growth in Asian migrants to certain OECD countries? Higher wages in OECD countries, especially for skilled workers, is certainly a factor. And despite its rapid growth, emerging Asia ...
... two decades of strong economic growth and poverty reduction.  This was especially the case in Asia where good education systems, and strong and effective governance were also key elements.  And the strong ...
3. Globalization, development and culture
... has enormous intuitive appeal. First, let's turn to Max Weber and his theory of the Protestant work ethic as a key factor explaning successful growth in capitalist countries.  It seemed a good idea for ...
4. Singapore in the Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... the role of a small Southeast Asian country that has been a model of economic growth and development and an example of how a country can catch-up and develop its potential towards convergence. This country ...
5. Japan in the Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... while Japan grew only 1% between 1995 and 2008. If this dismal growth rate continues, in the long run, China and other fast growing nations will outpace and outcompete Japan. The Japanese government has ...
6. America's Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... PewResearchCenter publication, "The Rise of Asian Americans".  After all, the growth and dynamism of the United States has always been driven by successive waves of immigration.  And today, Asian Americans ...
7. India's paradoxes
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... economic growth the past two decades, this will not been sufficient to enable India to achieve most of the Millenium Development Goals by 2015.  Indeed, an alarming 80% of Indians live on less than $2 ...
8. China's reform in a bind
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
Yes, China's reform is in a real bind, and what's more, China has bad relations with virtually all of its neighbors.  Where will this head? The need for China to rebalance its growth away from exports ...
9. Burmese Days
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... urban areas (up from 25 per cent, twenty years ago). Burma has managed an average annual economic growth of more than 10 per cent over the past decade, and more than 5 per cent in the past three years.  ...
10. Economic growth prospects in Asia
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... fact, the lower is the level of development relative to the steady state, the higher subsequent growth tends to be.  This is the benefit of backwardness.  So while the Chinese might brag about their very ...
11. Human capital in Asia
... Asia has shown strong growth in educational attainment in the past 4 decades compared with other regions, according to analysis by the Asian Development Bank.  In 2010, its population aged 15 and over ...
12. Asia`s social development
... and China. What to make of all of this?  While it is difficult to come up with some simple conclusions amidst all this information, it seems clear that Asia's performance in economic growth has been ...
13. Asia's information society
... an engine for economic growth and implemented policies allowing it to become an "IT powerhouse".  By creating a competitive and dynamic environment, Korea has become an inclusive information society, and ...
14. Understanding the Rise of China -- Martin Jacques
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... member of the family.  The state is ever present in state-owned enterprises, private enterprises which must follow the state, state targets for economic growth.  The state has always played a major role ...
15. Asia's low quality jobs
... because Asia's economic development has been driven by a massive shift from low-productivity agriculture to low-cost manufacturing created by high export-led growth.  And due to the virtual unlimited supply ...
16. Food security in Asia
... Asian Development Bank has estimated that a 10% increase in domestic food prices could push 64 million Asian people below the $1.25 a day poverty line. Despite its rapid economic growth in recent years, ...
17. Asia's rising inequality
... average per capita GDP (in PPP terms) increased from $1,633 to $5,133 over the period 1990-2010, thanks to the region's very rapid economic growth of 7.0% over the period, according to the Asian Development ...
18. Clinton on democracy in Asia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... to wealthy countries, that developing economies need to put economic growth first and worry about democracy later. Now Asia does have several examples of countries that have achieved initial economic successes ...
19. Japan's governance problems
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... for governance failures are greater in oligarchic societies which are either non-democratic or weakly democratic -- and it is in these types of countries, such as China, where a massive growth in nuclear ...
20. China's reform in a bind
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
Yes, China's reform is in a real bind, and what's more, China has bad relations with virtually all of its neighbors.  Where will this head? The need for China to rebalance its growth away from exports ...
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