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21. Innovation Asia
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... is ranked 29th, ahead of countries with higher levels of GDP per capita like Malaysia (31st), and Thailand (48th).  China is the only developing country in the top 30.  Vietnam (51st), like China, has ...
22. Is China cracking?
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... countries typically become democratic, and there are many signs of pressures in that direction. Rapidly developing non-democratic countries often make a transition towards democracy when their GDP ...
23. Russia and the East
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... right “Chinese wind” is a very important challenge for Russia in developing its Far East region by attracting and wisely using Chinese investment and at the same time, trying to minimize an excessive Chinese ...
24. Human security in Asia
... protect its citizens.  In reality, in many developing countries, the state often fails to fulfill its security obligations, and in many cases is a source of threat to its own people. Human security forms ...
25. Human development in Asia
... up from the bottom of the ladder.  Human development gives us a sense of what developing countries should aspire to. Countries are ranked with the top quarter being classified as having "very high human ...
26. Multidimensional poverty
There are several ways of looking at poverty.  Consumption (or income) poverty is a measure of absolute poverty based on "poverty lines" like $1.25 and $2.00 a day for people in the developing world.  Relative ...
27. Beating global poverty?
... was the following - "make poverty history". The World Bank's latest poverty estimates for the developing world suggest that we are well on the road to beating extreme poverty.  But a decent and comfortable ...
28. China: recent political developments
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... shift in China’s growth pattern, namely a policy shift towards developing interior regions, internal market, production for China’s needs, and home-grown innovation, which would make China less dependent ...
29. Asia's services challenges
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... services. The experience of Japan provides salutary lessons for Asia's emerging economies, and the examples of Hong Kong and Singapore demonstrate the great benefits of developing a dynamic and competitive ...
... in terms of inhabiting a region of the world that is overwhelmingly comprised of developing states, many of which are fragile or vulnerable to internal conficts.  But Australia is under-invested in the ...
31. Will China overtake the US?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... into the realm of the "catch-up effect" or "convergence theory".  In short, poorer developing countries have the potential to catchup to richer advanced countries (or "converge") by growing faster thanks ...
32. An Indo-Pacific Strategy for Australia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
Australia should be developing an "Indo-Pacific Strategy" involving the three giants of the region, China, India and the US, according to Rory Medcalf.  But Australia's relationship with India is underdeveloped ...
33. Youth and development in Asia
... investing in youth will boost economic growth, reduce poverty, and make us all better off. This is especially the case for developing countries whose youth number 1.3 billion, or almost one-quarter of ...
34. Gender equality and development
... most of the developing world.  An important reason has been the unprecedented reduction in fertility in developing countries as diverse as Bangladesh, Colombia and Iran.  Female labor force participation ...
35. Japan's triple crisis -- one year on?
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... many rightly question if the timing is right, with the economy still wobbling forward. Interesting proposals for developing renewable energy have been put forward by Mr Son, CEO of Softbank, who is of ...
... the ADB's calculations, developing Asia's middle class population has grown from 21% of the region's population in 1990 to 56% in 2008 (3).  Thus, in 2008 1.9 billion of emerging Asia's population were ...
37. Asia’s Development and the Leadership Issue
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... rates and the crucial role played by the USA as regional security provider and huge market for exporting goods. Nonetheless, what really distinguished Asian economic path from the rest of developing countries ...
38. Measuring up Asia's economy
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... main leaders in the GDP per capita stakes are Australia ($46,000), Japan ($40,000), Singapore ($36,000) and Hong Kong ($30,000).  The region's developing dynamos are not in any way in the same league -- ...
39. Philippines' challenges
...  Developing Asia is being hit by the progressive weakening in the global economy, as export growth has been declining.  Following a rebound to 9% growth in 2010, growth moderated last year to about ...
40. Asia's financial exodus
Asia tops the developing world in everything -- including illicit financial outflows, as revealed by the Global Financial Integrity project (GFI) in its recent report, "Illicit Financial Flows from Developing ...
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