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41. Chinese investment is coming fast
... like Australia, Africa and Latin America.  In fact, Australia has been the most important national destination for this investment. As Lowy Institute contributor John Larum reported to last week's Australian ...
42. The Korean Paradox
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... streets of Seoul were filled with posters and billboards that drew attention to the G20 summit. If Brazil is the Latin American role model, and South Africa the example for the rest of its continent, ...
43. Occupy Wall Street
... seem to not know how to react.  This is in sharp contrast to America's support for the democratic transition sweeping the Middle East and North Africa.  According to Hillary Clinton, "We know that the ...
44. Time for the Asia-Pacific region to lead
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... South Africa, Republic of Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America, European Union.                 A version of this paper was published by the APEC Study Centre at RMIT, at: http://www.apec.org.au/docs/currentsRMIT/2011-1/index.html#3 ...
45. Development and democracy in Asia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... Africa, movements can get going quickly, and Facebook and new forms of social media can certainly add fuel to the fire.   As to Singapore and Hong Kong, these city-states are among the world's very ...
46. Japan's well-being
... least prosperous countries are also not surprising.  From the bottom up they are Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Yemen, Kenya, Mozambique, Cameroon and Zambia.   Japan ...
47. Innovation in Japan?
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... solving root problems drives organisational learning.   Toyota is also a brave and courageous company.  At a time when many French companies are outsourcing to eastern Europe and North Africa, Toyota ...
... which will have to adapt to the effects of climate change.  Japan also needs good relations with developing countries in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East for their supplies of energy and other ...
49. Trade’s developmental magic
(Panorama/International Trade)
... resources (like many African and Latin American countries, and Australia and Canada) should specialize in natural resource industries.  And countries with lots of high technology and high skilled work ...
... Many people simply have to work to survive.  Public spending on social protection in Asia and the Pacific amounts to 5.3% of GDP -- the lowest of any continent, and equal to sub-Saharan Africa.  This compares ...
51. Globalization
If the truth be known, we have been living globalization for an awefully long time. Humankind started its long march out of Africa and across the globe around 50,000 years ago. Trade routes like the Silk ...
52. Development
Many developing countries are missing the globalisation train. While five million of the world’s population live in prosperity or moving towards prosperity, the bottom billion (mainly in Africa) have been ...
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