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1. Asian Migration
The US, Canada, UK and Australia are blessed with a wave of skilled migrants from Asia, according to a recent OECD report. Continental Europe, Japan and Korea are missing out on this dynamic. The ...
2. Globalization, the word
... these lines. According to the Oxford dictionary, the word globalization was first employed in the 1930.  It entered the Merriam-Webster dictionary in 1951.  It was widely used by economists and social ...
3. Singapore in the Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... if the Asian century is to become a reality. Each Asian country has a part to play in the future prosperity of Asia to make the scenario unfold according to expectations. In this paper, I wish to analyse ...
4. Japan in the Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... Secondly, while Japan is definitely not a perfect democracy, according to the Economist, it is still the most democratic nation in Asia. By standing behind and promoting democracy and freedom throughout ...
5. Living on $2 a day
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
If you are living on more than $2 a day in a developing country, you are not living in poverty according to the World Bank.  Indeed, you are a lot better off than those poor people who live on less than ...
6. Burmese Days
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... that about 33 per cent of the population live in poverty.  Similarly, according to a multidimensional poverty index, 32 per cent of the population are estimated to be poor, with the most important deprivations ...
7. Culture Wise China
... and various odds and ends including pets, religion and toilets! Culture Wise China contains information for everyone.  According to Lu Xun, a writer and social critic, "Throughout the ages, Chinese have ...
8. Microfinance today
... line, according to the Bank’s website. Grameen Bank functions are the model for microfinance banks around the world, and many other private microfinance banks have emerged in the region. China seems ...
9. Human capital in Asia
... Asia has shown strong growth in educational attainment in the past 4 decades compared with other regions, according to analysis by the Asian Development Bank.  In 2010, its population aged 15 and over ...
10. Asia's information society
Korea is the world’s most advanced ICT economy, according to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), surpassing many other economies with higher levels of overall economic development.  Information ...
11. Asia's low quality jobs
... a fairly rosy picture, more than half of the suppliers audited by Apple have violated at least one aspect of the code of conduct every year since 2007, according to Apple’s reports, and in some instances ...
12. Asia's rising inequality
... average per capita GDP (in PPP terms) increased from $1,633 to $5,133 over the period 1990-2010, thanks to the region's very rapid economic growth of 7.0% over the period, according to the Asian Development ...
13. Clinton on democracy in Asia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... to achieve steady gains in political rights and civil liberties, according to the nongovernmental organization Freedom House." "Consider Thailand, which has overcome sharp political differences and military ...
14. Burmese Days
... that about 33 per cent of the population live in poverty.  Similarly, according to a multidimensional poverty index, 32 per cent of the population are estimated to be poor, with the most important deprivations ...
15. Living on $2 a day
If you are living on more than $2 a day in a developing country, you are not living in poverty according to the World Bank.  Indeed, you are a lot better off than those poor people who live on less than ...
16. Trying to do business in China
... palms of government and Communist Party officials.  But there are nevertheless many successful cases where a long-term commitment and loyalty to Chinese business partners has paid off, according to discussions ...
17. Asia's Failed States
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... and reported by Foreign Policy. First, what is a failed state? Although there is no one accepted definition, according to the Fund for Peace a state that is failing has several attributes. One of ...
18. Human Rights in Asia
Amnesty International is a tough judge of human rights in all countries.  According to Amnesty, my home country "Australia continued to violate the rights of Indigenous Peoples, stripping essential services ...
19. Views of Asia's next generation
...  Asia's economic and population growth have taken a brutal toll on the region's environment.  According to the World Bank, 16 of the world's 20 most-polluted cities are in China.  The World Health Organisation ...
... outside directors. So Japan is changing, according to Ulrike Schaede.  The question is how quickly and how much. References: "Japan's Evolving Business Strategies", Q&A with Ulrike Schaede, University ...
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